Baby Barbarian - 2021
Unity Developer
Shader graphing
Used Shader Graphing in Unity to create:
the water
rippling water effect
water distortion effect
water reflection effect
Post-processing | lighting
Implemented global lighting to create a dynamic environment.
Added post-processing to transform the game into a more vibrant and polished looking platformer.
You can see the game without post-processing and lighting in the bottom scene view.
Created the animated comic cinematics.
Turned inanimate objects into interactable objects, such as the breaking table, and the swinging bird cage.
game | level Design
Expanded the original dungeon design into a more expansive dungeon setting, allowing the player more freedom to explore.
Helped design the sequence of events to match the story of the comic as much as possible while also adding in more gameplay elements.
Coding | C#
Created the code for game mechanics, like the dropping chandelier, and freeing the bird from the cage.
Used code to transition between scenes and start certain events like the water event.